Hey there ๐
I’m Drazen.
I’m an engineer, currently focusing on machine learning.
You can find me on LinkedIn.
On the side, I hack indie projects and sometimes write.
Side Projects
Blogboard - https://blogboard.io
Blogboard is a curated index of engineering blogs with a search engine and weekly newsletter.
The tech behind it: A fine-tuned DistilBERT model to classify articles into topic, Elasticsearch for full-text search and find similar documents, Python/Flask/PostgreSQL for backend, VueJS/Vuetify for frontend. It all runs on a single $20 virtual server.
Upvote for Slack - https://upvote.chat
A simple polling app for Slack, with a slick UI and poll analytics features.
Some posts from the Blogboard blogs, written for SEO and my amusement.
A/B Testing for Practical Significance
Marketing Data Science - Case Studies from Airbnb, Lyft, Doordash
Kano Model Examples - Build Great Products With a Simple Mental Model
Calculating Variance in Python
Probability Interview Questions
gitroot โ a Simple Command to Navigate to the Root of a Git Repo
Better Heatmaps and Correlation Matrix Plots in Python in Towards Data Science
Fun facts
- I once made a video game that reached 1.000.000 daily players one week after launch
- I co-authored 6 Microsoft patents